Popmundial Radio (main podcast platform) - Music from Around the World

James Last : Around the World Melodies - including rare vinyl to digital transfers (from Radio 1) Sept 7th 21h rec LIVE

September 17, 2024 Popmundial Services

Happy Days are here again / Wochened und Sonnenschein
Mexico City
Mack The Knife
Wedding Bell Blues
Die Welt braucht Liebe - Trailer
Der Landarzt
De Jordaan-wais - medley
La Playa
Dancing Queen - live
G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald(11:20)
Drunten in der Lobau...
Games That Lovers Play - live
Sonata III Il Pastor Fida
The Wreck Of The 'John B' / The Yellow Rose Of Texas
Meine Rosa ist aus Böhmen